A message from the VACFSS Youth Advisory Committee on how they stay healthy and safe during these uncertain times.
Hi folks,
With everything going on in the world, we wanted to share with you some of the things we are doing to keep ourselves and our community safe that you can do too! With all this free time, we are moving towards exploring new and creative hobbies that engage our brains, such as painting and puzzles! Remember to practice self-care, whatever that may look like for you, to ensure you are taking care of yourself!
Some of the things we have been doing include: Face-timing with friends, watching our favourite movies, doing home workouts, baking, smudging, and organizing/de-cluttering. IF you have to go out, make sure you change your clothes when you get home; have indoor/outdoor clothes that you can switch from and keep your shoes outside/near front door. Since we are all washing our hands a lot, be sure to moisturize your hands and drink lots of water to stay hydrated! This can be a scary time for a lot of us, if you haven’t already, check in with your friends and family, call your grandma, call that friend you haven’t heard from recently or seen on social media. Feel free to reach out to us as well. You can contact us through the YAC Instagram page. You can also contact your social worker for any immediate needs/concerns you may have!
Stay up to date with what we are doing to stay safe and sane on social media, Instagram handle: VACFSS YAC! Make sure to wash your hands, sanitize communal spaces (i.e. kitchens, bathrooms, living rooms), stay inside/social distance, and stay hydrated!
All Our Relations,
The VACFSS Youth Advisory Committee