The Child Protection (CP) program works collaboratively with families by engaging their primary system of support, their affiliated First Nations community, other Indigenous agencies who serve the family’s affiliated community, and other resources to deliver child safety and family support and prevention services in the city of Vancouver. Gathering a strong circle of support around the child and their family through one of the collaborative pathways, services are delivered by providing practice support, concrete resources and cultural connections to keep children safe and with their family.
CP is also responsible for assessing, and investigating alleged reports of child abuse, neglect and exploitation of children. Reports are predominantly assessed using a family development response model focusing on collaborating with families to address safety concerns for the best interest of their children.
CP social workers receive their mandate to carry out duties under the legal authority of the Child, Family and Community Services Act (CFCSA) and with the endorsement of the Indigenous community to ensure that Indigenous children are protected and families are adequately supported. As an Indigenous agency, we look for innovative methods of providing safety for the child within the child’s circle of belonging, integrity, humility respect and strength-based practice.
In situations where children are determined to be at vulnerable, CP prioritizes the least intrusive measures and kinship placement options to keep children safe. Ongoing access to the parent within the VACFSS Access policy is fundamental to keeping children connected. The overall goal of the CP program is to support and facilitate pathways to healing. These pathways to healing being with worker engagement, collaborative practice, in-house Elders, Family Preservation workers and gathering the family’s own circle of support.